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时间:2024-01-02 09:35:38 点击:70 次

时隔逾三年杭州4S店神秘顾客,百度关联方Moon断绝对YY Live的股权收购公约。

1月1日,百度在港交所发布公告称,关联公司Moon SPV Limited通过愚弄合同权益,断绝了Moon SPV Limited、百度与欢讨好团过甚他关系方于2020年11月16日缔结并经日后转变或补充的《股份购买公约》。这意味着该项高达36亿好意思元(约合东说念主民币256亿元)的收购案宣告断绝。


2024年1月1日晚间,百度在港交所发布公告称,百度关联方Moon按照此前签署的公约,断绝对YY Live的股权收购公约。



接下来,Moon会就断绝股权收购公约后交游将来安排寻求与欢聚进行协商,谈判合意会决决议。分析师合计,该公告为两边公约日到期的以前作为,不会影响YY Live以前运营。

2020年11月17日,百度曾文告与欢聚签订股份收购公约。凭证公约,百度将以36亿好意思元现款收购欢聚国内视频文娱直播业务,包括但不限于YY移动应用、YY.com网站和YY PC等。彼时,该项收购被合计是百度史上最大并购案。交割完成后,YY客户端将被保留,内容和本领同步提供给百度,国内直播团队也相应划归百度。

值得一提的是,2021年2月8日,欢聚曾发布公告称,旗下的YY 直播业务出售给百度的交游已基本完成。但据了解,该交游骨子上未始得到必要的政府监管部门批准和其他条目,即处于未完成交割景色。






欢聚随后公布的公告表现,关系审计委员会与法务审计师和数据分析群众团队对与YY 直播业务猜度的指控进行了全面审查。审查得出的论断是,污水解说中猜度YY 直播业务的指控和得出的论断莫得得到说明。


After a lapse of more than three years, Baidu affiliate Moon terminated the share acquisition agreement with YY Live.

On January 1, Baidu issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange stating that the affiliated company Moon SPV Limited terminated the “Share Purchase Agreement” concluded by Moon SPV Limited, Baidu and Huanju Group and other relevant parties on November 16, 2020 and amended or supplemented later by using contractual rights. This means that the $3.6 billion (approximately RMB 25.6 billion) acquisition has been terminated.

Baidu affiliate Moon terminates YY acquisition agreement

On the evening of January 1, 2024, Baidu issued an announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange stating that Baidu affiliate Moon terminated the share acquisition agreement with YY Live in accordance with the agreement previously signed.


According to the announcement, Moon signed an equity acquisition agreement with Huanju for YY's domestic video entertainment live streaming business on November 16, 2020, and agreed that if the transaction settlement is not completed before the deadline, any party to the transaction has the right to terminate the agreement. As of December 31, 2023, which is the final end date of the agreement, all delivery prerequisites stipulated in the share purchase agreement have not been met.

Next, Moon will seek negotiations with Huanju on the future arrangement of the transaction after terminating the share acquisition agreement and discuss reasonable solutions. Analysts believe that the announcement is a normal action due to the expiration of the agreement between the two parties and will not affect the normal operation of YY Live.

On November 17, 2020, Baidu announced the signing of a share acquisition agreement with Huanju. According to the agreement, Baidu will use 3.6 billion US dollars in cash to acquire Huanju's domestic video entertainment live streaming business, including but not limited to YY mobile apps, YY.com websites, and YY PC. At the time, the acquisition was considered the largest merger and acquisition in Baidu's history. After delivery is completed, the YY client will be retained, and the content and technology will be provided to Baidu simultaneously, and the domestic live streaming team will be transferred to Baidu accordingly.

It is worth mentioning that on February 8, 2021, Huanju issued an announcement stating that the sale of its YY live streaming business to Baidu has basically been completed. However, according to information, the transaction actually did not obtain the necessary government regulatory approval or other conditions, that is, the delivery has not been completed.

Huanju was once shorted by muddy waters

YY Live is a domestic national entertainment live streaming platform that includes music, technology, outdoor, sports, games, etc., with over 41 million monthly active mobile users and 1.5 million signed star anchors.

Influencer incubation is an important force in diversifying YY's live streaming traffic and content. In recent years, YY Live has incubated more than hundreds of anchors, of which over 23% have become influencers with millions of fans across the network, establishing an influencer matrix with high traffic and high monetization capabilities.

However, after Baidu announced the acquisition of Huanju in 2020, Huanju was shorted by well-known shorting agencies, claiming that 90% of the revenue from Huanju's live streaming business was false.

Muddy Waters released a 71-page investigation report at the time, questioning Huanju, claiming that data on Huanju's revenue, profits, and paying users were all suspected of being falsified. Affected by this, Huanju once fell by more than 20%. At the time, topics such as whether Baidu had conducted a detailed due diligence investigation on YY Live and whether to continue to acquire YY Live became a hot topic of discussion in the industry for a while.

Huanju's subsequent announcement showed that the relevant audit committee, forensic auditors and a team of data analysis experts carried out a comprehensive review of the allegations relating to YY's live streaming business. The review concluded that the allegations and conclusions reached in the Muddy Waters Report regarding YY's live streaming business were unconfirmed.

According to Huanju's third quarter results report as of September 30杭州4S店神秘顾客, 2023 released at the end of November 2023, Huanju achieved revenue of US$567.1 million in the third quarter of last year, down 3.35% from the same period last year; net profit to mother was US$72.89 million, down 85.85% year on year.

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